On a weekly basis, unless stated otherwise in the weekly program (below), our Church follows the following program:
Please see below our calendar for this week's service program which outlines specific services, events and announcements for the week.
The Fellow Group Program is held weekly on Thursday at 7:00pm and alternates between the Parishes of St Vasilios’s (Brunswick) and The Presentation of Our Lord (Coburg).
Both males and females are invited and encouraged to attend to hear Fr Leonidas talk about various spiritual topics concerning our faith.
The program also consists of English liturgies, social and fundraising events, biblical study, talks, lectures and debates. We often have guest speakers from other Parishes and institutions.
Check Facebook and Instagram for updates.
Enrolments are now open for our Parish’s Greek School which caters for Prep to year 12. Classes are held on a weekly basis.
Students are taught the Greek language, grammar and our Orthodox Faith. Students are also exposed to Greek dancing and aspects of our rich history and culture.
School Hours:
Monday 5pm – 8:30pm
For enrolments and further information, please phone Sophie on 0434 816 134 or email at ypapanti.lang.schl@gmail.com
After the Paraklesis to St John the Russian, held every Thursday morning, Fr Efstathios or Fr Leonidas give a talk in Greek followed by complimentary refreshments in the community hall. This is a great opportunity to meet new people, socialise and keep active.
St Juliana is considered a patron saint of the kitchen and the home. She was a pious Russian woman who married and had children, living a life of asceticism without being a monastic.
Every Monday from 11am, St Juliana’s Mother’s Group provides mothers with the opportunity to connect with one another, share, learn, socialise, grow and have fun.
All mums and babies, toddlers and children are welcome. This includes giagiades looking after their grandchildren. Learn more.
Every Sunday morning immediately after Holy Communion, with the exception of school holidays, our Parish runs Sunday school programs for the following age groups:
Primary School Students
High School Students
The children learn about the Gospel of the day, enjoy activities and establish friendships with other children.
Our Daily Bread is an initiative of the Coburg Greek Orthodox Parish, with the blessing of the Greek Archdiocese of Australia. It has been a long time in the making. Unofficially, it is the work of love that was envisaged since the establishment of the Parish. As the need of Coburg and surrounding areas has grown, with an increase in homelessness and suffering, so also has the drive of the people who follow God’s love, to provide assistance and establish a feeding program. It is run by Fr Leonidas Ioannou and managed by Sophie Koutoulas who are assisted with large database of volunteers, who are dedicated to helping the community.
We believe that the caring of the poor is our social and Christian duty as evidenced by St John Chrysostom “The rich man is not one who has much but one who gives much.”
Click here to learn more